Oral Certifying Exam Courses

Oral Certifying Exam Courses

Ob Gyn Board Prep offers a variety of products designed to help Ob Gyn doctors prepare for their Oral Certifying exam and help them pass their ABOG or AOBOG specialty certifying examination.

Our products are tailored to meet the specific needs of physicians at every stage of their preparation including, nightly webinars, case list preparation, mock orals, virtual and live Must Pass Study Camps.  Our review courses ensure your success in passing exams!

One of our most popular products is the Comprehensive Study Package, which provides an overview of the materials covered on your certifying exam.  Our oral certifying exam courses include webinars with online lectures, practice questions, and access to expert, board certified, instructors who can help answer your questions and provide guidance as needed.

We offer Case List review that walks you through from start to clicking submit.  Your case list is one of the most important elements for taking the oral exam — make sure you get it right.

Our Mock Orals simulate the experience of the actual exam as closely as possible, giving doctors a chance to practice their skills and build their confidence in a realistic environment.

At Ob Gyn Board Prep, we are committed to providing the obstetrician gynecologist with the highest quality products and services to help them succeed on their Oral Certifying board certification exam.  Whether you’re just starting to study or are looking for advanced practice materials, we have everything you need to feel confident and well-prepared for your upcoming examination!

Partner with us and let us help guide you through your board preparation journey.  We’ve been helping doctors become board certified since 1987!

Here are the important Allopathic dates, timelines, and deadlines for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) Qualifying Exam: https://www.abog.org/specialty-certification/qualifying-exam/dates-and-fees

Here are the important Osteopathic dates, timelines, and deadlines for the American Osteopathic Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOBOG) Primary Oral Exam: https://certification.osteopathic.org/obstetrics-gynecology/important-dates/

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